Hello all, what a worrying time it’s been for all of us with Covid 19 in our midst. It has taken me a few days now to reach out here to the families and friends that support my little family business as your Surrey & London photographer. I have been trying to find the right words and to figure out exactly how to respond and what to do; and how to feel.
To be honest with you there have been some tears as I am really not sure how but we are hoping this little business (nearly 10 years in its making, with so much love, passion and some sacrifices along the way too) will make it out the other side of this chaos intact. My husband (and inspiring photographer) also runs a freelance enterprise, so together there is no net for one or both of us to fall back on right now and I know as I write this we are not alone in this predicament.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, all of you whom we have chatted to over the last few days, for your encouraging words and positive messages. We are also thinking of you all and hope you are all safe and well, especially those with elderly or vulnerable family and friends.
It will be our 10 year wedding anniversary next month and together we will do what we can to keep our services going, for everyone who supports us, as this is the medium that brought us together in the first place; as we fell in love via a chance photography related meeting nearly 14 years ago.
And here we are 14 years on (and 10 years married) with our two beautiful boys, both of whom inspired me and gave me the confidence to step out and create beautiful photography for other people’s families too.
Every day since starting this business I have relished in being able to serve families who also care about the power of a medium that brings people together, consolidating family ties and bringing family heritage to life, in photographic form, for generations to come.
I am feeling very grateful that spring is here. We have warmer days on the way, we have daffodils and we have our family and friends to brighten our day. Whilst we may not be able to come together in ways we used to, for now, we have each other and we will get through this together.
I thought it was important to share how I am currently responding to the virus. (Updated March 24th)
If you have a session or a workshop booked in with me or if you were considering booking in with me this year, your health and the health of us working together is our absolute priority.
All sessions currently booked over March, April and May have been postponed until we can get new dates in the diary. See further details about specific types of sessions below.
I am following the latest advice from Government Health England and I will continue to update my response to the virus here on this blog and in person via email and phone with those of you who currently have sessions booked in with me.
Unless government Health England advice changes in the coming days/weeks, this is what I am doing:
Outdoor family sessions – postponed
All of my outdoor family sessions will continue based on the following requirements listed below. My outdoor family sessions continue to be very low risk for anyone under the age of 70. I am in less close contact with families at these sessions. I use a long lens and shoot from a distance however no more high fives and hugs for now with the littlies at the end of their sessions. I will call families on the day of their session to check in to ensure we are all feeling well. If you or I have any symptoms at all the session will be postponed.
Kids and their Bikes sessions – postponed however I will continue to promote the project publically as The Farnham Bike Ride Charity, which has had to cancel it’s ride his year, losing thousands of charitable donations for local good causes.
‘Babies at Home’ sessions + Newborn Sessions – postponed
Please look out for my helpful tips and advice on photographing your newborn baby safely at home during lockdown, using just your smart phone. You can access the guide full of expert tips by sending me a message using my contacts form.
Maternity sessions and newborn portrait sessions – cancelled
These sessions have sadly been cancelled, based on latest government advice for pregnant and new parents. Parents have the option of taking up a session with me later in the year when their babies are older.
Beginners photography workshops – postponed
All workshop attendees attending the 21st of March workshop will be offered an alternative session date later in the year and a complimentary private half hour zoom meeting at a time to suit them.
Any questions you may have about booking a session, please contact me on 07903772960 so we can chat.